With autumn comes the rain, the night is longer and starts to get cold. But the forest is full of colors, and the magic invades everything. An enchanted forest has invaded my studio! Magical pieces are charming and colors are blurred, with sinuous and natural shapes. These are new techniques, more difficult and costly in time and materials, but with màgic and joyful handmade. I hope you enjoy the new collection The Enchanted Forest!
El bosc màgic/ Màgic Forest
Amb la tardor arriba la pluja, la nit és més llarga i comença a fer fred. Pero el bsoc s'omple de colors, i la màgia ho invaeix tot. Un bosc encantat ha invaït el meu taller! Son peces màgiques i amb encant, amb colors que es difuminen i formes sinuoses i naturals. Son noves tènciques, complexes i costoses en temps i materials, però tant màgiques de treballar com de lluïr. Desitjo que us agradi la nova col·lecció El Bosc Encantat!
With autumn comes the rain, the night is longer and starts to get cold. But the forest is full of colors, and the magic invades everything. An enchanted forest has invaded my studio! Magical pieces are charming and colors are blurred, with sinuous and natural shapes. These are new techniques, more difficult and costly in time and materials, but with màgic and joyful handmade. I hope you enjoy the new collection The Enchanted Forest!
With autumn comes the rain, the night is longer and starts to get cold. But the forest is full of colors, and the magic invades everything. An enchanted forest has invaded my studio! Magical pieces are charming and colors are blurred, with sinuous and natural shapes. These are new techniques, more difficult and costly in time and materials, but with màgic and joyful handmade. I hope you enjoy the new collection The Enchanted Forest!